Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Midterm Links

  1. Machinima and Remix:
  2. Video Editing:
  3. Camera Shot Vocabulary:
  4. Using a Shot List:
  5. What is the state of VR in 2019?: 
  6. 360 Photography:
  7. Interview and Lighting Basics:   &
  8. Updated Resume: (Under "Work Experience")
  9. Script and Shot List for Video Resume:
  10. Updated Portfolio:

I think all the work I did thus far in class has helped me understand a lot more about digital communication that I didn't know before. I have been able to learn how to use Premiere Pro which is a very important tool in the communication field, and also learned more about camera shots and video editing. I have always been interested in this area of study but never had the opportunity to actually learn about it and how it works. I have really enjoyed using Premiere Pro and creating videos and interviews. Although Im not the best at it yet, I am still excited to be working with this technology. I am very grateful to be learning about all of the background that goes into videos, websites, and social media and I know I will be able to take what I have learned in this class and use it in the real world. In my internship for example, I have to use Photoshop and Premiere Pro which are tools that I can understand. Before this class I knew nothing about either of them but now I am able to take what I have learned and put it to the test. I have a lot of goals that I like to set for my self but some of the main ones that stick out to me would be to learn more about digital communication as a whole, gain more experience using different form of technology (like VR), and improve my skills all around when it comes to video editing and taking quality camera and video shots.  

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